On behalf of the entire Hill School community, thank you for your interest in our school. We are excited to share our community, philosophy, and program with prospective families and students, and our website is a great place to begin your investigation into what makes Hill School unique.
In 1926, The Hill School was founded with five students and a teacher in the upstairs of what was then the Middleburg Bank. Almost a hundred years later, The Hill School continues to build on the foundations of small class size and attention to individual needs, through engagement and support from our dedicated faculty. From Junior Kindergarten to 8th grade, we provide our students with the tools to become active and engaged learners through academic and co-curricular excellence and a strong sense of community.
The goal of a Hill school education is to build character, self-confidence, and scholarship. We believe that the best learning happens in a collaborative and supportive environment, one that encourages all students to take creative risks and become critical thinkers. A Hill School education prioritizes students’ individual needs and encourages them to take our values and principles outside of the classroom and put them into action throughout their lives. Our students are eager to learn for the sake of learning, and we celebrate the diversity of perspectives in our community and classrooms.
This admissions section serves as your guide for learning more about our application process, as well as a guide to your decision-making in pursuing a Hill School education. As you learn more about who we are, what we do, and what we value at Hill, we’re here to answer any questions along the way.
Of course, the best way to see what a Hill School education can do for your child is to visit. Complete the Inquiry Form and we will be in touch with you so that you can learn more and schedule a visit.
I look forward to getting to know you and partnering with you along this journey.
Kelly Johnson
Director of Enrollment
Students are admitted on the basis of a variety of criteria including interviews, testing, and previous school record. The Hill School does not discriminate on the basis of gender, national or ethnic origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, or any other form of discrimination in the administration of its admission program.
Hill School is committed to a Junior Kindergarten through Grade 8 education.
We believe that early childhood education is a critical foundation for future growth and development. We are a community focused on children and developing their passion for lifelong learning. Our upper school students are leaders and models for younger students.
Hill School teachers are dedicated to their students.
We are committed to working with every child. The school’s 6:1 student to teacher ratio allows us to adjust and individualize the program to meet the needs of each child and, most importantly, to provide many opportunities for every student to discover a passion. Students and teachers build relationships that endure for years beyond the child’s experience at Hill.
Hill School promotes a strong and meaningful school community.
We believe every child and every family deserve respect and care. Parents are an integral part of the school, working with teachers and administrators in the shared responsibility of fostering children who work hard, know themselves, and feel part of something greater than themselves.
Hill School uses its campus as a learning environment.
Our Place Based Education program makes the 138 acre campus–including the Dornin Science Center, two ponds, meadows, woodlands, playing fields, and a walking trail–integral to the academic and co-curricular programs. We believe that developing an appreciation and understanding of the natural world should be part of every child’s education. The best way to understand the value of the Hill School experience is to visit our campus and see firsthand what we do. We look forward to meeting you.