
Spotlight Blog

Pinwheels for Peace

2017-03-28T19:59:26-04:00September 26th, 2016|

Hill School students from Junior Kindergarten through Eighth grade celebrated the International Day of Peace on September 21st by installing over 250 paper pinwheels on the lawn of the Clark Courtyard. Children made these from paper, decorating one side with images and patterns, and the back side with words of peace. Students were asked to [...]

The Spirit of Philanthropy

2017-03-28T19:59:26-04:00July 31st, 2016|

It’s always exciting when Hill School Headmaster Treavor Lord draws the winning ticket number for the annual Grandparents’ Day raffle, but the spring 2016 raffle winners added extra dashes of jubilation and generosity. When Mr. and Mrs. Hahn, owners of DH Service, the company which has long provided janitorial service to the school, were notified [...]

Science Meets Stewardship for JK & K

2017-03-28T19:59:26-04:00February 29th, 2016|

Kindergarten and Junior Kindergarten students welcomed some unusual visitors to their classroom in January in an exciting culminating activity that integrated Place-Based Education, community service, and science. Staff from the Blue Ridge Wildlife Center in Millwood brought in a barred owl, a box turtle, two flying squirrels, and an arctic fox, all animals which had [...]

Symbiosis in the Arts

2015-12-10T12:39:48-05:00December 10th, 2015|

Hill School science students--and watchers of “Finding Nemo”-- know that the anemone and the clownfish have a symbiotic relationship, so that when the two species come together, both benefit. This fall, some Hill Schoolers experienced the symbiosis of writing and visual art. Painter and Hill School parent Misia Broadhead loaned several original works on canvas [...]

Second Grade Paradocs

2015-07-14T11:12:21-04:00July 14th, 2015|

As every child who has been in second grade in the past decade knows, Academic Dean Hunt Lyman and Upper School Science Teacher Paul Haefner start every Thursday morning with a Sing-Along, teaching the second graders (and their parents) such standards as Country Roads, This Little Light of Mine, and Puff the Magic Dragon. The [...]

Didn’t They Graduate?

2015-05-18T09:48:06-04:00May 18th, 2015|

Watching each 8th grade student receive his or her diploma is always thrilling, for parents and teachers as well as the graduates, but it is equally wonderful to see those students when they return for a visit or a special Hill School event. Occasionally, students also return to advance their own learning or perform community [...]

Legacy Project

2015-04-24T09:03:23-04:00April 24th, 2015|

Eighth grade homeroom teacher Jack Bowers tells his students in September, “You are in charge of the spirit of the school.” He reminds them that younger students look to them for cues about everything from what to wear to how to decorate a cubby, so they’d better be mindful of the example they’re choosing to [...]

Forbidden City

2015-01-16T14:08:29-05:00January 16th, 2015|

The Hill School’s sixth grade didn’t have to voyage to Beijing, China, to see imperial treasures from the Palace Museum in the Forbidden City. A bus ride to the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts in Richmond sufficed. Art teacher Linda Conti, looking ahead to the March 2015 Culture Study of China, booked tickets for the [...]

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