
Spotlight Blog

Linda Conti is Elected to State Leadership Position

2013-11-25T12:53:33-05:00November 25th, 2013|

Hill School faculty member and Art Chair Linda Conti has been elected Vice-President of the Virginia Art Education Association. She will begin her two year term on January 1, 2014. Linda will help to advance the Visual Arts in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The members of the VAEA advocate for art education in the state [...]

Lunch Groups

2013-10-24T12:50:50-04:00October 24th, 2013|

Lunch with the Head of School? Or the Academic Dean? Or one of your teachers? For over ten years, our sixth through eighth grade students have been meeting in groups of four or five with a faculty or staff member for lunch every other week. Lunch Groups provide an opportunity for the students to spend [...]

Empty Bowl

2013-10-18T18:31:25-04:00October 18th, 2013|

The kiln in the art room worked overtime this fall, as it fired soup bowls crafted by each student in grades 1-8 and other members of the Hill community. Under the guidance of art teachers Mary Woodruff and Linda Conti, classes created bowls using a variety of techniques, and then glazed them with vibrant hues. [...]

Tournament of Champions

2013-06-17T16:02:26-04:00June 17th, 2013|

Congratulations to the Hill School 5th grade students who ended their year with the annual Tournament of Champions. The Tournament of Champions is a three hour academic tournament that includes material the students have studied over the course of the year such as Architecture, Castles & Knights, Classic Literature, Greek & Norse Mythology , New [...]

Brain Game

2017-03-28T20:00:50-04:00May 31st, 2013|

Three times a year, a forty minute assembly pits Greens against Whites in The Brain Game. Grades six through eight participate in a contest resembling the televised game It's Academic, for which teachers submit questions (and answers) based on material from class. Each team comprises a third of the students in the class, so everyone [...]

Trashy Fashion

2013-05-23T14:08:13-04:00May 23rd, 2013|

In celebration of Earth Day, Hill School held its fourth annual “Trashy Fashion” show. The Saplings and the Tree Huggers, Hill’s two student environmental groups, led this effort to raise environmental awareness among the school community. Trashy Fashion started as a way to focus on what we consider trash in a new and creative way. [...]


2013-05-16T11:06:49-04:00May 16th, 2013|

What is Canstruction? In simple terms, it is construction using cans. But it is more than that. It is community service - the cans used in the designs are donated to Seven Loaves, a local food pantry. At Hill, the designs are all thematic – they are meant to raise awareness of hunger in our [...]


2013-04-26T14:18:22-04:00April 26th, 2013|

Hill’s Certamen team is a group of seventh and eighth graders who meet weekly to expand their knowledge of Latin and practice answering Jeopardy-style questions. They review topics in Latin grammar, Roman history, culture, and mythology. Then, about once a month, the team travels to different schools across Virginia and Maryland to compete. In each [...]

Readers are Leaders

2013-04-25T16:52:28-04:00April 25th, 2013|

First and second grade students recently participated in a Family Reading Challenge – to spend 30 minutes reading each day of spring break. Over 80% of the first and second graders successfully completed the challenge! In the Lower School Assembly, each of the participants received a bronze Readers are Leaders medal and a handshake from [...]

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