e are very fortunate for the foresight and leadership of those that came before us for the decision, creation and support of Hill School’s 19 Endowment Funds. Our Endowment, currently valued at approximately $18,000,000, provides funding for the daily operation of the school and long-term financial security. During each fiscal year, the Endowment Funds provide between $600,000 and $700,000 for program support.

 Endowments Supporting :


General Endowment Fund

Established in 1972, this fund provides ongoing support for the annual operating budget of the school.

Building Endowment Fund

In 1982, several Hill donors established this fund which provides support to offset the expenses associated with building operations and maintenance.

Campus Endowment Fund

An anonymous benefactor established this fund in 1995 to support the increased costs of the new and expanded Hill School campus.

2003-2008 Unrestricted Endowment Fund

This fund was created by the Hill Community to ensure the long-term financial foundation of the school. The cornerstone of this fund was Sheila C. Johnson’s $2 million challenge commitment that helped inspire Hill’s donors to match her support of this campaign.


Andrew Donovan Looney ’13 Passions and Dreams Endowment

This fund was established in 2021 in honor of Andrew Looney ’13 by his family and friends. Funds from this endowment are used to support students in becoming more confident, capable and effective self advocates, so that they can grow into adults who, like Andrew, pursue their passions and dreams. Andrew embodied so many of the qualities we cherish at Hill, including a strong connection to his community and the depth and strength of his character.

Andrew’s father, Gregg, worked at Hill School for twenty-seven years, and his mother, Mary, served as Hill’s PTC President, as a two-time Auction Chair, and as a Trustee. Andrew’s siblings also attended Hill School: Henry ’15, Owen ’08, and Chloe ’02, as did his nephew Hunter ’22. Andrew and his family have been an important part of Hill School’s fabric for decades.

Megan Thomas Memorial Fund

Established in 1972, this fund provides ongoing support for the annual operating budget of the school. This fund was created in 1970 by C. Reed Thomas and Phillip S. Thomas in memory of Megan Thomas, to promote and inspire student interest in and love for poetry and literature. Income from the fund enhances the library collection, especially poetry, and supports student publications.

Performing Arts Endowment Fund

This fund was established in 2001 by Sheila C. Johnson, mother of Paige Johnson ’00 and Brett Johnson ’04. Her generosity in creating this fund has ensured that the arts will thrive in the Hill Community for generations to come. The theatre serves as a setting for children and adults to develop confidence, competence, and self-knowledge through performance experiences that enlighten and entertain. This fund supports the programming and operations costs for the Sheila C. Johnson Performing Arts Center.

James J. Wilson Family Endowment Fund

This fund was established in 1989 by Mr. and Mrs. James J. Wilson, parents of Mary Pat Wilson Guest ’78, Brian Wilson ’85, and grandparents of Amanda Rodgers ’07, Markus Weber ’08, Meara Wilson ’17, Jimmy Wilson ’18, Audrey Wilson ’20, and CoCo Wilson ’25. This fund supports science and technology programs.

Mary MacLeod Woodruff Endowment Fund

This fund was established in 2022 in honor of Mary MacLeod Woodruff, by her family and friends. Funds from this endowment are used to support Hill School’s Studio Art Program, a distinguished co-curricular feature of the Hill School educational experience. Mary’s incredible kindness and warmth advanced Hill School’s goal of helping children grow strong and happy; she believed that art was essential to the healthy development of a child’s mind. With a story and a paintbrush, Mary changed our lives and empowered every student to tap their potential.

Mary and her husband, Don, worked together at Hill School for twenty-seven years, where she was a beloved librarian and art teacher. The Woodruffs have spent almost six decades in education teaching, mentoring, and improving the lives of countless children and families.

Community Need-Based Financial Aid

Charles Morgan Memorial Fund

The purpose of the Morgan Scholarship Fund is to provide need-based financial aid to children from the local community. In 1983, the fund was established by Charles “Pat” Morgan’s daughter, family, and friends.

Nanette, George, and Chip White Memorial Scholarship Fund

This fund was created in 1999 by gifts from the family and friends of the Whites: Nanette White, George W. White ’45, Marianne Peppiatt Dodson ’68, Lizanne White Driskill ’80, George W. “Chip” White Jr. ’82, Ted Dodson ’99, Leah Dodson ’06, Will Driskill ’13, Holland Driskill ’15, Allie White ’11, Pamela White ’13, and Wagner White ’21. The White family are beloved members of the Hill School Community. This fund supports need-based financial aid.

The Community Need-Based Financial Aid Fund

The fund was created in 2015-2016 by a generous friend of the school to support families from the local community whose children would not be able to attend Hill without financial assistance.

Winifred Cullen Teeley Scholarship Fund

This fund was created by Peter B. Teeley, in memory of his mother, Winifred Cullen Teeley. Mr. Teeley is the father of Randall Teeley ’01 and Adrienne Teeley ’04. It supports need based financial aid.

The Christine C. Sehn Memorial Scholarship Fund

This fund was established by the “Over the Hill Gang,” previous Auction Chairs, in memory and in honor of Chris Sehn at the 40th Annual Auction in May 2017. Chris was associated with Hill School for three decades as a parent of Alex ’97 and Lily ’04, as an Auction Chair (’92, ’96, ’01, ’04) as a Trustee (2000-2005), and as one of the school’s Auction Coordinators (2005-2014). Chris’s commitment to education and appreciation of young minds have inspired the dedication of this fund to support financial assistance for Kindergarten and Junior Kindergarten students.

The Hill Community

Headmaster’s Discretionary Fund

This fund was initiated by an anonymous friend of Hill School in 1997. Income from the fund is available to address special needs of the school community, as determined by the Head of School.

Levis Fund

The Levis fund was established in 2005 by Margot Levis Thompson and John P. Levis, III in memory of their father, John P. Levis, Jr. (1934-2005), an esteemed Hill School Trustee (2000-2005), Board Vice President (2003-2005), and close friend of the school. In 2008, Mr. and Mrs. C. Langhorne Washburn augmented the fund in honor of their dear friend, John P. Levis, Jr. This fund provides financial assistance to Hill School families in need.

Orme Family Fund for Faculty and Staff Support

As an expression of their appreciation for the dedication and commitment of the School’s faculty and staff, the fund was established in 1999 jointly by Mr. and Mrs. Edgar J. Orme, Jr., grandparents of Peter Hitchen ’85, Brad Hitchen ’86, Jonathan Price ’95, Stephen Price ’95, Alex Price ’99, and Mark Price ’06; and by Mr. and Mrs. William Gray Price IV. The fund has been supplemented by gifts in memory of Gray Price. At the Head of School’s discretion, this fund assists Hill School faculty and staff with unanticipated extraordinary expenses.

The Faculty Emeriti Fund

Originally created in 2013 to honor Hill School’s Faculty Emeriti, the fund was established in 2015-2016 and provides ongoing funding to support the continuing education of Hill’s faculty and staff.

Environmental Stewardship

Landscape Endowment Fund

Established in 1996 with a gift from the Lazar Foundation, this fund has been augmented by additional donations. It provides support for the maintenance expenses of the Hill School landscaping and ensures that the natural beauty of the campus is sustained for generations to come.

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